Monday 15 November 2021

1988 Northern England, Glasgow, Isle of Skye


On the road again.  I like – rather masochistically – the whole business of getting up early.  The morning seems fresh, the roads are relatively empty.  I dislike motorways, though.  They are so boring – I literally fall asleep.

I stopped off in Derby.  I came here some 13 years ago.  I recognise nothing.  I recall the Joseph Wrights, which were still there, including the famous "orrery" – what a nice word – but the building is nothing like I remember.  Derby itself is a small, rather boring town, full of 19th-century buildings.  I am amazed to see tiny houses for sale at £10,000.  I am tempted to buy a few.

On the way I passed near Towcester in the hope that I could find Hawksmoor's Easton Neston: no luck.  I am now at Kedleston Hall.  The approach across the bridge presents a classical stately home: central portico'ed house with two adjoining wings, each with attached porticos.  It is amazing Palladio's influence: what are those porticos doing?  Except saying "Look, I'm classical", and therefore imperial and established.

It is a rather cold grey day, the yellowish-brown of the stone seems perfectly in keeping with the landscape: no gleaming Parian marble here.  Perversely, the park opens at 11, the restaurant at 12, and the house only at 1pm.  I am worried by the fact that all the other visitors are 50 or above.  Lunch in what was clearly the servants' hall.  Over the great fireplace, the stern injunction "Waste not. Want not."  The room is very high and airy; the tables are huge ancient (oak?) slabs, scored and pitted through use.  Stone flags on the floor.  The walls are bare; to the south, a balustered gallery.  Above the fireplace, a complicated pulley mechanism for turning spits.

The contrast of Kedleston with Castle Howard is extreme.  The former is about classical restraint; the latter baroque exuberance.  Walking through Castle Howard, I am amazed by all the odd turns and corners and corridors and flights of Piranesi-like steps.  It is architecture of theatre.  The main domed hall is particularly impressive – compare the chill, hard-lined Kedleston Hall.   Castle Howard soars on the wings of unfettered, exulting genius.  Kedleston is careful and middle-class and middle-aged.  It seems entirely appropriate that Kedleston would have sheep where Castle Howard has glorious impossible peacocks.  Their screeches echo eerily across the grounds.

I walked to the Temple of the Four Winds.  On the way, I saw Hawksmoor's Mausoleum – not, alas, accessible.  The Temple is a cross between the Villa Rotonda and a garden shed.  It is not Palladian in spirit, despite its obvious heritage: the porticos look stuck on, and are in any case too small.  Then to the reservoir – which looks both deep and impossible to get out of.  Round to the front of the house.  The facade has so much movement.  It takes a while before you notice that the two wings are quite different.  This is real, intuitive architecture.

Then to Scarborough, staying in the St Nicholas Hotel for an exorbitant £40.  Perhaps I should have stayed in the weird Butlin's Grand Hotel opposite – wonderful Romanesque brickwork à la St Pancras.  Apparently Anne Bronte died in a house on this site, and this was once the grandest hotel in Europe.  O tempora

Why does Scarborough exist?  It has huge, glorious beaches that are irrelevant to the cold and the rain, irrelevant surrounded by the sea-front tat of amusement arcades.  If I see real despair in everyone here, is that my own projection?  What have they come here for?  Is this all they can expect?  God help them – and us.  I like to believe that the presence or contemplation of beauty refines – despite George Steiner's Rilke story.  But there is a corollary, and Scarborough becomes a kind of northern Slough.

I wandered the streets of Scarborough, searching for something, anything.  But there is nothing.  Joke shops selling plastic excrement, the usual chain stores – the only thing the rest of the country gives the north – its franchises.  The same restaurants – which seem to be the liveliest places anyway.  I write this in the Pizza Hut: like so much in our modern age, a temple to the repeatability of experience – which is also what consumerism amounts to, after all. I buy X in the knowledge that I can repeat the X experience.  Which is why the world hungers for novelty – there is no grain left to things.

The business of memory: Proust is almost wrong – voluntary memory does not exist, we can only remember what we remember.  But chance events can trigger.  For example, in Castle Howard, a guide says the owner decided to live there – to the surprise of trustees who had started selling off stuff.  I have this memory of a woman telling me about how the library of somewhere was sold off: I am pretty sure it was the west wing's long gallery – I can see the place, and it is very similar.  Note that photographic memory is the ability to pull out more information than we remember.  My trick of walking back through the memories of a place to find out where it is – a walk through memory.  Photographic memory is more compact in space, mine is in time.


From Scarborough across the moors up to Whitby.  Lovely road across rolling land, cultivated and heather.  RAF radar domes loom ominously.  Driving through Whitby there is a real feel of the town's rhythm, determined by the port.  And port feels alive too, not some tourists' confection.  Reminds me of Dieppe and Le Havre and Douglas.

The Abbey itself can only be reached by car very circuitously.  It commands a tremendous position over the town – must have looked amazing in 1300.  These monks always knew how to choose sites.  We tend to forget though that here would have been very isolated, the Ultimate Thule.

A nightmare drive through Middlesbrough – a maze of roads passing through and going nowhere.  Up the A1 to Durham.  How many years is it since I've been here?  I have no memory of the old town, and only vague ones of the cathedral.  But seeing it in the close, after eating in the almshouse (with a table full of very Sloany young ladies from Durham University), it is so familiar with its strong west towers, beautiful stones and harmonious arches.  Pity about the south end.  But what race the Normans were: the English imperialists of their day, what with Sicily et al.

I now sit inside the nave.  The organ tootles pleasantly in a sub-Herbert Howells style – perfect music for this setting.  The glorious rose window glows dully, the browny, thick-set piers of the arches march down the nave with their curious almost aboriginal markings.  What possessed them to do this?  It is a broken, cloudy sky outside, which gives rise to the wonderful effect of light surging and receding on the northern columns as if in tune with the swelling of the organ.  Magic.  The crossing of the nave and the transept is particularly impressive with the huge soaring tower.  How this must have awed the local yokels who could have seen nothing of the kind before.

At the top of the tower, on a misty afternoon.  Two things strike me.  Looking west across the river, there are a row of 17 houses, all around 1800.  Each is perfect in its own way, yet each is different and harmonious.  To the right, the new shopping centre looks bleak and crass by comparison.  Also, from up here, looking north, the close looks perfect, like a doll's house.  The lawn is immaculate, the flowers by the almshouse tiny dots of colour, like a ribbon.

Through Newcastle which looks like bustly.  Then on to Seaton Delaval.  A crazy place to put this crazy building.  Only open Wednesday and Sunday, alas.  But even the outside is a treat, like nothing else around.  Dour grey stone, ludicrous pediment struck between two square towers.  The two wings very introspective.  Brooding and beautiful.

Bamburgh is not very well sign-posted; in fact, to reach it you take endless winding B roads.  And in truth, there is not much there: a few houses, two hotels – and one of the biggest, grandest castles I have ever seen.  It closed just as I got there, but no matter.  Its mere existence is enough.  It is by the beach, which is also huge, with some of the whitest sand I have found in the UK.  And it goes on for miles.  I can see precisely one other person on it.  What a setting.  But why is this castle here?  Who does it protect from?  A superb, glorious, beautiful historic folly.

After Bamburgh, on to Lindisfarne.  I naively assume that all I could do was drive to the edge of the coast and then stare.  Imagine my amazement when I saw this precarious causeway hovering over the sounds.  In fact, I was amazed little because of an incident.  Past Beal, on the way to the causeway, I passed a hitch-hiker, a young lady.  It was a lonely road, and she was miles from anywhere.  I did not stop; I never give lifts to hitch-hikers.  I drove on, observing the signs about where and what the high tide did.  It was a long way to the village on Lindisfarne; the road was like a road on the moon.  But with each turn of the wheel, I felt more and more guilty because of abandoning that woman.  But my pride would not let me go back.

Fittingly, when I got to the castle, it was closed, but no matter.  I sat in the car, contemplating the harbour and the castle; then I drove back.  The poles in the shallow water reminded me of the stakes marking the waterways in Venice.  I had decided what to do.  As I expected, I met the woman coming in the other direction.  I stopped, and offered to take her into the village.  She accepted without questioning quite why.  As I made small talk, it became clearer why she accepted it all.  She was Canadian, a nurse, just back from a trip up the Nile.  She responded naturally to my questions, but did not ask any in return.  Perhaps she was just wary of this lunatic; frightened of my driving; or just incurious, as so many North Americans are.  I dropped her off, feeling that I had retrieved my honour, in part, at least.  

Then on to Berwick, where I stayed in the King's Arms Hotel – a Dickensian hostel, literally evidently.  Berwick is a civilised, Victorian-looking town.  It reminds me of Keswick in many ways, what with its town hall in the middle of the high street.  It is all very quiet down to the Tweed.  There are various bridges over it, including a fine aqueduct-like railway bridge.  Down below me there is seaweed.  One thing strikes me here as everywhere so far: there seem to be no young people around.  Either they are children, or they are young mothers and fathers.  And the young women are so plain.  All the older men and women look like Italian peasants from the deep south.  The men stand around in cloth caps and frowns.  It is like 50 years ago.

Over the moors to Edinburgh, under it then on to Glasgow.  The country A road was delightful: barely another car in either direction.  Rolling roads, moors and mists – quite thick.  Could be anywhere.  The roads around Edinburgh a pain, the M8 better.  Then I search for a hotel.  I drive through the centre of Glasgow, but don't even see any.  Then out along the A77.  By chance, I found that the [Peter Brook] Mahabharata is being performed down there.  I stop off in Busby and at another hotel: no luck.  Then I came across this Greek-sounding job.  I went in and was unimpressed, but they had another hotel in town.  They rang up, it was free and £40.  I took it.  So back into Glasgie, to Ingram Street.

Then a wander around Glasgow, looking for somewhere to eat.  The place is certainly bustling, but seems to lack cheap, studentish eateries.  It also lacks the overall buzz of Edinburgh during the festival – due to a nugatory Fringe here.  I end up at the Third Eye Centre in Sauchiehall Street. There are several exhibitions here.  And a decent café, where I sit now.  One is Peter Fischli and David Weiss.  Their "So läuft es" = "the way things go", is like nothing I have ever seen.  A long sequence of precariously balanced objects teetering into chaos, in so doing tripping off yet more finely-controlled processes.  Tyres roll, water pours, fireworks shoot.  This is one of its pleasures: we feel in a very visceral way the sense of things about to happen.  We doubt that they will, yet urge them on mutely.  It made me laugh in astonishment.  It was beautiful, almost bathetic – and ridiculous too.  Wonderful.

Also rather wonderful in a totally different way were the newspaper sculptures of children by David Finn, a yank.  These kids, made entirely out of rolled and screwed-up newspapers, are aged about 5.  They are all intent on their games, or just standing.  Their stillness is eerie.  They look like mummies, yet retain their tremendous gentleness and vulnerability.

The rest of the day spent wandering.  One problem with Glasgow is that its streets are too rectilinear: I long for sudden twists and turns.  London is hard to beat for this.

During the evening, after eating again at Third Eye – the only atmospheric place I have come across – I watched TV.  For me, this activity is always associated with hotels, since it is the only time I have a TV.  I remain appalled at how bad and parasitic it all is.  It is, however, undeniably easy to watch.  The yank stuff in particular has all the rhythm worked out to a T.  I should have gone to bed early – the big day tomorrow – but instead woke up late-ish.


Once again, the diary system breaks down.  I cannot keep up with my life.  I have the whole of the Mahabharata to describe, as well as my journey here.  "Here" is Duntulm Castle, at the northern end of Skye.  There is the smell of sheep droppings in the air.  I sit facing west.  Before me, the Hebrides in a magic sfumato.  A few rocks rise up in front like sea monsters.  I feel as if I am at the end of the world.  Across there, the fairy kingdom hovers.

And so back to 13.5.88…

The morning was clear and glorious – suitable for an epic about the dawn of the world.  I arrived at the Old Transport Museum [now the Tramway] early, as ever, though was justified, I felt, by my ignorance of where it was, where to park etc.  It is in Albert Drive, and is a huge old building that looks as if it might have been a railway shed.  We are not allowed in until 12.30 – the performance began at 1 – so I wandered up the road etc.  When I came back, I went in to the huge sheds.  Inside there were hundreds of people milling around, plus a few incongruous Renault trucks from the local sponsors.

It was already warm as we filed into the hall.  From my seat F47, I could see the two brick walls serving as a proscenium, and the old metal pillars.  The wall was rough brick, textured like the Almeida.  The seats quite steeply raked – but only thinly padded.  In all, there were about 680 places.  To the right of the acting area, which looked like tamped earth, was an array of musical instruments.  At the back a red wall with climbing rungs.  In front of it, a stream with a bridge, and right at the front, a small pond.

Things began with the musicians raucously summoning all to hear.  There were crude clarions, tablas, sitars, rebabs, flute and tam-tams.  Throughout the next 10 hours, music played a key part.  It filled in scenic details, characterisation, sub-text and so on.  Without it, the text felt flatter.  And it was very neutral – successfully so.  Another facet struck me: the use of a cosmopolitan cast.  This worked well – and emphasised how Waspish most productions are.

I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed the Mahabharata – even sitting still for nigh on nine hours in slightly humid heat.  The story gripped me for the most part.  The acting was good, the staging successful.  But I was rarely moved.  Whether this is a fault on my or the play's part, I cannot say.  But I was one of the few not to join in the standing ovation at the end – which I hate, this event manufacturing.


I am out again.  Back to 14.5.88.  I drove across the Erskine Bridge, then along the A82.  This took me past Dumbarton.  I remember coming here before – mostly because of the Stravinsky; as I recall, it is something of a tip.  As I drove past, it did seem vaguely familiar.  The A82 is a glorious road, as I re-discovered.  It was a brilliant blue sky and the sun shone strongly through the young leaves of the trees and bushes.  The route eventually took me across to Glen Coe.  Last time it was tipping with rain, and I could see little of the valley.  But there was a crazy piper playing away, soaked to the skin.  Very curious.  This time the views were tremendous.  Perhaps even better were the huge moors that led up to Glen Coe, and before them, Loch Lomond.  This was real chocolate stuff, with the sun glistening on this huge stretch of dark water.  And it just went on and on.

Unfortunately, the ferry to the lower part of Skye did not run on Sundays, so I went on to Kyle of Lochalsh for the other, shorter ferry.  It is a long time since I have taken my car on such a small ferry.  It feels very unsafe.

Driving through Skye, a very empty land.  The roads curve past huge mountains, tiny hamlets, lochs, moors.  I drive through Portree, the capital of Skye.  Nothing.  I decide to go on to the eastern part of the island in the north.  I stayed at Uig.  After finding a room at the pleasant family-run hotel there, I drove up to Duntulm Castle – see above.  Then I continued on round.  On the way down I stopped, struck by the stunning view.  Across to the east lay the mainland with its answering hills.  Down to the south the view continued with islands.  In the evening a walk down to the pier.

Today the weather was even better than yesterday – barely a cloud in the sky.  I drove out west, where I was struck by the sheer desolation; this place is so empty.  I stopped at one point where the view was again stunning: headlands out to the east and the whole sea shimmering to the south.  Then down to Sligachan.  I wanted to do some walking. However, I was only too aware that this was really climbing country.  So after a short ascent on the northern faces, I went along Glen Sligachan to see the loch which is bounded by the peaks.  

Before the long march - six miles? - I extended my range of life experiences by bathing in one of those deep pools, which often form in the fast-moving streams.  Cold but invigorating.  Then off for the long tramp.  Thoughts on determinism as I climbed.  Each step seems to be the result of free choice: I could put my foot anywhere.  Except that I can't.  It is mostly determined by where I put my foot before.  Thereafter it is determined by the lie of the land, my perception of how firm/wet/etc the ground is, the extent to which I am distracted, frightened etc.

So it is with life.  Our actions are largely determined by our previous actions; the details of where we put our foot is then a product of smaller-scale determinism – the result of a battle of stimuli and impulses within the brain.  These too were determined by the past, past knowledge, past experience etc.  So what of free will and responsibility?  We might say that since everything is determined we can never be guilty.  But much of what we do is decided and determined by our character - that is, details of the brain structure.  That acts as a kind of colander which strains out the possible choices.  What eventually in detail we choose may indeed be pure choice; but we personally though unconsciously determined the choices; for those we bear the responsibility.  If we kill someone we were put in a position to kill someone, to have that as a choice, partly by our character.  It is for the courts to decide if it was mostly due to "reasonable" outside circumstances.  This may not be true, but it is a plausible reconciliation, and will do for the moment.

The path goes on and one, and the magisterial hills on either side just keep on coming, huge and abrupt.  I can see no way of scaling them.  Past two tarns, I turn up right and rise.  Eventually, I reach the ridge which looks into the next valley – not the main one, but a subsidiary.  It is too late to go down on into the main one with the loch.  Besides, this is almost perfect.  Below me, a small tarn.  Beyond that, the sparkling loch and the sea.  A huge mass of rock separates me from that loch; beyond it the huge jagged teeth of the main U of hills.  They look stupendous in the slight chiaroscuro.  I can see Rhum in the distance.  What a sight as I sit in the glorious sun with sheer blue skies overhead.  

The way back seemed long, long, long.  I was helped by meeting up with a party of foreigners.  They walked very fast, so in trying to overtake and/or keep ahead, I had to hoof it.  Weary when I hit Sligachan Hotel.  The weather starts to close in; now the clouds roll in from the north, shredding themselves against the amazing conical hill nearest us.  Reminds me of Como.  A splendid day.

More destinations:

Sunday 7 November 2021

1993 Prague


Grey, misty, cold...perfect.

Airport very efficient, the coach outside less modern looking.  On the bus Kr.20 each – about 50p.  Tickets that poor quality pink paper I remember from East Germany and Russia.

The Czech language looks as if the vowels have been crushed out of it – perhaps by the imperialists and oppressors.  Or to create a dense, secret language only Czechs can speak…  On the radio, Spandau Ballet...rediscovered?  Preserved in a time warp?  After changing our room (327 to 209), we now have a spacious double with hot and cold running trams outside…  Very atmospheric ting-a-ling of the bells.  I think we may have been stung with the taxi – and with a meter: Kr.220 – compare Kr.20 for the bus from the airport. 

For some reason, I feel as if I am in Poland.

Dinner in the café here – very cheap (Kr.270), not very good.  Strange: the waitress was dressed in a very short skirt.  Fine legs, but the faces she would pull if you dared to ask her for anything.  A sodium light outside the window goes on and off randomly… On TV, three channels in Czech, CNN, Eurosport etc. (saw my first Indy car racing – can see why it is likely to take over.  Impressed by young Mansell, who clearly has something….)

The light and the trams are like some intense East European film...full of brooding intensity.  The hotel is large and labyrinthine.  Probably 60s originally, through modernised recently.  At dinner, my Czech pronunciation of dishes provokes torrents of near-inappropriate words.  But German seems to be the second language.


The Old Town Square – having bought a Kr.100 five-day ticket for the metro/trams.  Up from Wenceslaus Square to here.  Town Hall – fine doors – carved dogs' heads.  This place really does lack Mozart…   To Charles Bridge – very atmospheric in the mist.  River reminds me of Bath… Up to Prague Castle (stopping off for a glühwein).  Amazingly massy city – full of huge buildings piled together.  And buildings are big here.  Passed Italian Embassy.  The statues on the bridge, in perspective and the mist.  Black…  Autumnal colours everywhere – matching the Baroque oranges and browns.  To the information office – so many concerts – Prague really is a city of music.

Amazing how little English is spoken – in the metro, none, elsewhere some German.  Great.  Now in Staropražská Rychta – cheap, but seems quite good – despite the synth playing bouncy tunes in the background.  We have two tickets for The Magic Flute (in Czech) at Mozart's opera house tonight – Kr.240 – for two.

Visited St Vitus Cathedral – very English in design, but lacking the monumentality, spirituality.  Few tourists around – only schoolkids, really.  Then caught tram #22 direct to the centre – great views, especially from the bridge.  

Various pork obscenities – especially two great fat wobbing phallic sausages – one a blood sausage.  But after the article in Der Spiegel I really feel very unhappy about eating meat… Heavy but nice plum dumplings/pancakes after.  Pity about the music – the music of hell in its triviality – imagine condemned to an eternity of it…  
2 o'clock, restaurant quiet now – probably because offices were busy at 7.30am this morning.

In Mozart's opera house – for Die Zauberflöte – appropriately…  Glorious eggshell blue and gilt here, quite deep the horseshoe – we are on fourth level, there is also a fifth… Pompeian ceiling.  Curtain "up" – and it was already up.  Good programme – in English and German.  "Modern" production – Pamina emerges from the audience.  Papageno – Kabuki, Monostatos – Miles Davis in a samurai outfit.  Sarastro is… Head of a Freemason lodge.  Acoustic tremendous – perfectly audible up here.  Band small – just three double-basses – but loud enough.  Unusual disposition of band – strings to one side, wind and brass to the other.  But just who as the Jesus figures playing the flute?  Great value, though.

Bought "The Prague Post" – US, of course, but interesting glimpses.


Tram #9 and 22 to Prague Castle.  The room of the defenestration.  Fine green-glazed oven – still warm...with history?  Darkness falling at 3.15pm.  Wencelaus Hall – amazing columns – they seem to move away as you pass.  Beautiful wooden door to the north.  Up the stairs then to a room full of coats of arms – whose…?  A room with a cabinet of fat books – blue, green, flowers.  The chapel, smelling of wood and cold and history.  Everything has a real presence in this place, as if so much that has happened here has soaked in to this spot.  Small organ with gilt cockle shells.  I am being photographed, background a misty, cold Prague.  A Union Jack flutters below us.  To St George's Basilica – wonderful pure Romanesque inside with half-raised altar.  Beautiful subdued crypt – six columns, low.  Interesting to note that even here, in the ticket office, a PC (DOS).

Then to the Golden Lane – pity about the bloody graffiti on the walls – this sad urge.  (Heard a snippet of Dvořák's Requiem – never knew it existed – sounds good.  Also very good prices on Czech CDs….)  Overall the castle has grown on me considerably.  It has real character: rather melancholy, what with its defenestrations, but rather touching.  Tram #1 direct to hotel.  I do like trams (especially since they're included in the Kr.100 five-day pass – wonderful).  Ate in the hotel: Kr.240 for filling (pork) food.  Good soup: milk and potatoes, onions and egg.  Plenty of slivovice.

Wandering through the back streets from Charles Bridge to the National Theatre (we have tickets to The Makropulos Affair on Sunday – and ecco another good reason for learning Czech, old Janáček boyo…).  So much in a state of ruin: I had worried that everything would be plastic and capitalist, but too much remains to be done – it'll be a decade before everything is finished.  Went to ask about private rooms: Kr.1200 for a double in the centre – about what we're paying, Kr.800 outside.

Metro very Stalinist – very deep, abstract design on walls – and no litter (yet).  Trains frequent (there is a countdown clock) and fast.  As are some escalators – presumably to cover the great depth.  And yet here too the handrails travel faster than the feet: why?  Is this the Fourth Law of Thermodynamics?  National Theatre a sooty black monster; next to it a modern horror, bug-eyed like Argos.

Queued in butcher's to buy water – very orderly – and a very sweet young lady behind the counter – Slav blonde, not too spoilt by Czech health system.  Streets very animated in the dusk, light rain falling.  Very lived-in feel, the trams thundering past like dinosaurs.  And German, German everywhere.  And Mozart.  In this week there is Die Zauberflöte (twice), Così fan tutte, Die Entführung aus dem Serail, and marionette versions of Don Giovanni, plus free interpretation of Die Zauberflöte, Don Giovanni and Figaro.  And more Requiems than you could shake a stick at.  Vienna/Salzburg, eat your heart out.


To Mozart's house yesterday – closed and daunting, a plaque on the wall.  One day this'll be a tourist mecca.  To Wenceslas Square.  Raining, progressively harder.  A comedy of trams (fine title…) - trying to get to St Agnes, take #5 in wrong direction.  End up past Mozart's lodging near the Old Town, finally find somewhere with 
glühwein.  I like the rain.  Bar looks like the crypt of a church, but has a large Art Nouveau thing in the middle.

In Lidový dům = "Mozart Brasserie" [catchphrase: "walk in, dance out…"?]  We ate downstairs in the restaurant in the north-east corner of Old Town Square, then spent £50 on 10 CDs – old classical, Suk, Dvořák, Janáček, Martinů – about £5 each, some £3.  Then to here, which at least is warm and with a high ceiling not too smoky.  Fine chocolate cake.

After CDs, to the National Gallery in the Kinský Palace – rather depressing contemporary graphic stuff – poor Klee etc.  The Bohemian glass: like silver in Bali – miles of it.  But without the push: service is a concept barely known here. Nice in a way – tiresome in others.

The Slav faces – either very box-like, or thin.  The women with thin, slit eyes in both cases.  Strange how in Italy ugly women almost don't exist, but here the reverse is true (relative, of course).  Redheads and blondes quite common.  Eyes indeterminate in colour.  That characteristic Prague sound: the beep-beep of the metro's guides for the blind.

One thing, though.  In "The Prague Post", under Thursday November 4, there is: "Who'd Believe It Anyway, Mr Moody?" (Kdo mi to uvěři, pane Moody?).  In Czech with English text to follow.  Black theatre fantasy with actor Jan Potměšil.  Divadlo Mionor 7.30."
How did they know I was here?


To the Castle (comedy of trams II); to the Gothic and Baroque collection in the cloisters of St George's Basilica.  Free today.  The omnipresent ladies of the galleries wave us through like something out of "Blue Velvet".  The Gothic art has a strange quality: you sense for the peasants these were miraculous images, icons; more powerful than in West Europe, say.  The sense of synchronicity: what happened here, and in Italy at the same date.  The Slav eyes in the pictures.

An Annunciation with a wonderful cubist angel – wings everywhere, and a fractal sky.  A gargoyle dog, baying at the rain.  A Christ of Master Theodoric, almost twentieth-century naive.  Many more pix here than in UK for this time (dissolution of monasteries later?).  A crucifixion: with a man leaning on a shield in the form of a face – fine pic.  Amazing abstract Madonna and Child.

To St. Vitus Cathedral, where there is mass.  Rather dull – sermons in Czech are worse than in Indonesian.  Cold too.  Interesting trying to read the service book "Otčenáš".  Good organ, so to speak.  Then to self-service restaurant for unsatisfactory meal.  Sky lighter now.

Back to the cloisters of St George's Basilica. – and the world's first hologram – a painting that changes as you move round it: 1603 painted, Maximilian I and Ferdinand I, by Paulus Roy.  Some brilliant portraits – many by Jan Kupecký.  Landscapes of Vaclav, Vourinec Reiser, not bad.  The vignettes of Norbert Grund – cross between Pietro Longhi, Gainsborough and Guardi.  

Tremendous gargoyles on the cathedral, now slobbering after the rain.  The stuff of nightmares.  Did I see one move…?

To Kinský Palace, national collection of European art.  Familiar ground.  Lovely Vivarini, also fine icons – some from Benátky – Venice and Řecko (Greece).  St Luke drawing the Virgin – with another image deep in the background.  Dürer's Feast of the Rosary – very heavy, virtuoso but not moving.  Stunning view of London by Canaletto (1746).  Westminster Bridge spanning Thames, Westminster Abbey to the left, Lambeth Palace to the right – used by Canaletto as his viewpoint.  Also visible Banqueting House, St Paul's in the distance.  Rembrandt – The Scholar in his Study.  And even a Willem Kalf – with peeled lemon…  Two fine Kokoschka's of Prague.

Dinner in Bistro Mozart – good but expensive.  To National Theatre for The Makropulos Affair, Kr.160 for brilliant seats II balcony, first row, seats 15 and 16.  Lots of gilt and maroon and sumptuous naked ladies on the ceiling.  The orchestra desperately practising the tricky bits.  Not very full, alas, for such a great work.

Fine music indeed.  And the singers not bad.  Indeed, the only real difference between them and better-known names is that the latter...are better known.  That is, in some sense Prague is a pre-television world.  But for how much longer?


Thoughts about The Makropulos Affair: consider, a woman who travelled Europe for 300 years, spoke Greek, Spanish, French, Czech, and searches after a document, written in an obscure language: surely a symbol for Europe and the Maastricht Treaty.  Also Charles Burney's travels through Europe, musically, and the Grand Tour.

To the Ghetto – amazing jumble of gravestones in the cemetery.  The graves with small stones balanced on them.  Very peaceful with the autumn colours. (And pieces of paper, coins, stamps, chestnuts, majolica.)  Amazing effect of the higgledy-piggledy gravestones – a sea of them – like the view from the plane in Kashmir.  Also the trees add something – especially in the middle of the city.  A tomb with lions – with pieces of paper in every crevice.  Some graves pitch black, others pink, white.  To Pinkas Synagogue – amazing to see the wall of names being re-created, one by one.  What a task – painful to see.  77,927 names – the only such memorial.  

We pass two Italians we sat opposite at lunch yesterday·  Prague is small: you really do keep crossing paths (like in Venice, Piazza San Marco).

To the exhibition of children's and adults' drawings for Terezin.  What a waste of life and creativity there.  Into antique shop – sewing machine: Lada.  Underwood typewriter with Czech keyboard.  To the Rudolfinum – in the empty café – very grand, as is the main entrance hall.  Drinking 
glühwein and grog (supplied as rum, very perfumed, and a glass of hot water).  Grog (if put together correctly by me) – no great shakes.

Over in the old part under the castle (over Charles Bridge, still very romantic) – to a fine restaurant – U Modré Kachničky (The Blue Duck) – three rooms, very luxuriously done out – walls painted plus turn of the century pix – heavy credenza, floral carpet, crystal glass.  We are in the back room – glass roofed.  Soups – quail's eggs and potatoes, venison consommé and vermicelli.  To follow, carp and caviar (the real stuff).  Behind me a fine white heating oven (as in the castle).  (Address: Nebovidska 6, Praha 1, Mala Strana).  

Across the bridge to the island (complete with pink carnations courtesy of the Blue Duck restaurant).  Beautiful park in autumn, and stunning views across the Vltava.  Charles Bridge, the weir and in the distance the sugar-loaf form of the National Theatre (trams passing).  Subdued roar from the weir.  Swans glide gracefully below us.  The black forms on the bridge like frozen pilgrims, or the gargoyles on the cathedral.  The swan ringed on its right foot.  A beautiful island to the right, its trees a fine spray of yellow.  Raining slightly, but not too heavily.

Walk back under Charles Bridge – fine piazza to the west.  Then up to St. Nicholas Church, massive from the outside (one of my favourite squares).  Inside much lighter – partly because of the sheer size.  Fine trompe-l'oeil on nave roof – with St Nick very palpably swept away.  Mozart played on the organ here, and after his death the Requiem was sung here.  Wonderful organ – covered in scrambling, tumbling putti (gilt).  And each pillar ends in a huge cardinal's beret, with sharp diamond points.  The ceiling's fantasy is rather fine: a tower with a ship moored behind, a triumphal arch at the crossing of the nave.  Everywhere gilt and fine marble.  Organ banked in three tiers on each side, and three tiny ones in the middle.  Glass in windows mercifully clear.  And the whole of the altar very effective – the crescendo of pillars, statuary.  Has to be one of my favourite Baroque churches now…


Our penultimate day – and already sad at the thought of leaving this hospitable city.  To the St Agnes Cloisters.  Exhibition of Chinese wall paintings – very simple, very effective.  And I think of all the beautiful things that exist, and wonder why there is so much ugly suffering.  To the picture gallery.  Fine portraits by Machek.  Curious allegory from the ceiling of the dining car of Franz Joseph I.  Amazing effect of light.  Evening in Tyrska Lane by Jakub Schikaneder (1855-1924).  In the last room, a tiny Caspar David Friedrich – a jewel whose magic is instant.  Robert Russ – Mill in the north Tirol – amazing effect of light, and of the trees.  Quite a rich gallery – if you're into Czech art – and quality surprisingly high.  Again just goes to show that it's history/choice/fate that decides who is great/mainstream/famous.

Heard the clock-tower strike – gawping with hundreds of others… not very impressive – either spectacle.  Eating downstairs at one of the restaurants neaby .  Poor meat again.  Upstairs to Café Mozart...two espressi.  Outside a jazz band – and a man blowing the biggest, softest soap bubbles you ever did see.  The most wonderful rainbow-coloured wobbling gyrations as they miraculously rise (why?).

Walking around Můstek – buy book on Mozart – then metro, tram #22 to the Baroque St Nicholas church (fantastic fish shop on the corner on the way – with caviar).  Buy cassettes. now in Fruit Café with great view of this contrapuntal square.  Very noticeable that Czech magazines use every inch of the paper.  Old-fashioned design, too.  Poor half-tones.  Seeing the banner across the square for the Dubuffet exhibition up by the castle reminds how little France/French culture is in evidence.  Apart from the boulevards, this is the land of the Teuton, Slav – increasingly, obviously of the Anglo-Saxon…

To Beriozka for a minimally Russian meal (really for caviar).  Now in the Old Town Square – beautiful.  The Tyn church looms blackly over the sodium-lit buildings.  On the Bridge.  Prague Castle lit up in green and yellow – a wonderful slab of light on the hill.  Below us improbable seagulls squawk.  "Young people" play guitars and sing; the weir roars untiringly.  The church is orange ahead of us.  Trams cross by the National Theatre, which is lit green.  Everywhere domes and steeples and statues and facades and pillars.  Behind us, the Rudolfinum.


Sad to leave.  In "Der Spiegel", the President of Estonia, Lennart Meri, says "Eine Grosse Bibliothek ist ohne Wörterbuch nutzlos.  Wir wollen der Wörterbuch für Europe sein" – speaking of Estonia's position in Europe.  This morning, a final walk from tram #26 to the Old Town Square, across the bridge to the other bank.  Bought caviar.  Fine city.  

Now at the airport – outside, following an "explosives" alert.  Ironic for the country famous for Semtex...

Wednesday 3 November 2021

1990 Toronto


I sit in Tim Hortons, a fast-food place alongside the CN Tower.  It is empty but for me.  I have a huge coffee, a blueberry muffin and an apple muffin.  Melancholy rock plays.  The sun is bright and hot, the air clear and freezing.  Beside me, waiting, stands the huge CN Tower, concrete rearing up greyly.  It opens at 10; it is now 9.30am.

An unusual start to this journal: no Gatwick thoughts, nothing of the flight, of yesterday, yet.  But this is an unusual trip in itself.  I am staying with family.  After Greece, I must confess I had some qualms about this kind of thing.  No Gatwick thoughts partly because I don't want to get trapped into re-enacting past trips – and novels, even.  Of the flight – in a 767 – I will only say how short it seemed, how tiny this world is getting.  Things were exacerbated by a phone call on Sunday: mother ringing.  Since I spoke to her on Saturday (in the UK), speaking to her again felt as if we were only a few miles apart – a feeling aided by the excellent telecoms.

Saturday night was spent in.  The drive from the airport (the latter rather crowded and pandemoniacal) gave a great view of the city.  The house is beautifully situated by the lake.  An interesting, contrapuntal house, rooms and staircases everywhere.  My bedroom smells of pine – reminds me of my childhood home.  I sleep on a sofa bed, happily, like a stone [blueberry muffin – dough soft and stained purple like a bruise, an edible contusion].

Sunday spent with friends of the family.  We went out to their country pad, calling in on the McMaster Gallery on the way.  Good display of works by the "Group of Seven" – the defining artists of Canadians' self-imagining.  Exclusively (almost) landscapes.  The best definitely Thomson: a thick, almost impasto style, very intense response to the season, the rocks and the trees.  Others more derivative, especially of French Impressionists, and of Thomson.  Other displays were of Native American art – some quite delicate – and of Inuit – good stuff.  Nice setting amid pines, with windows opening out onto views quite cognate with many of the images.

Then on to the friends.  Their pad – in four acres – looking quite small from the outside, but it has four bedrooms.  It is all designer decorated inside – interesting use of striated colours – à la Seurat.  Very effective – and presumably expensive too.  Simple but good fare for lunch, served on an impeccably stylish country dining table with dried flowers, chunky glasses, elegant plates etc.  A stroll out to the adjacent church and graveyard, spoilt only by me putting my foot in it – literally.  Bloody dogs…

A drive back through the dusk showed Toronto at its best – as it does for many North American cities.  Contrariwise, driving in daylight the land is flat and dull.  North America does not connect: there is too much space.  Darkness joins things up, leaving only the million lights like galaxies.

Sunday morning I was up at 6am, and read Saturday's multi-part newspaper from cover to cover.  Incredibly parochial, ultimately rather trivial.  Journalism rather poor, design messy (ditto for the "City Limits" of Toronto).  What did emerge was how Canada was stuck in a slough: the land of opportunity was in recession, the economy screwed, and big political problems – especially re Quebec – brewing.  One interesting thing the bloke said on Sunday was how the verticalisation of Canada across to the US was taking precedence over the horizontal nationalism – hence Quebec. 

I woke at 6.30am today, then came into town.  Brilliant weather.  Walked around for hours, and now await the opening of the tower to get my bearings.  As ever, the skyscrapers look stunning in this weather, all glinting glass against the hard sky.

I am now at the observation level, facing north.  How can you do justice to these kind of experiences, ones which have no real equals?  Below me (sic), mid-town is spread out.  Steam emerges from their roofs like cotton wool (and from grills in the street – à la New York.)  Up to the space deck.  Interesting that even though you can lean out over space – over glass – it is not as vertiginous as you would expect.  Clearly it has to do with security, not just height – hence some people's fear of even ladders.  On the glass: "laminated riot shields: burglary resisting glass".  Looking down on the main floor: the roof the points of the compass marked.  And two men trolling around.

However, some pain (and sweaty palms) induced on the lower deck, looking down the concrete faces.  I think this is because there are steel ropes starting here and visibly going all the way, which means you can relate to the distance.  Yikes.

Back on earth.  I am now in the Boulevard Café on Harbord Street – Peruvian.  After the CN Tower, to Roy Thomson Hall for a ticket to tonight's concert – Toronto Mendelssohn Choir (Ralph Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem, couple of Canadian pieces).  Slow service – computers again [fish chowder has arrived – great smell.  Yup, was utterly delicious – picante.]

Then a long walk in the perfect walking weather – bracing air, warm sunshine.  Out along Queen Street, towards Chinatown.  Bustly.  Up to Grange Park – autumnal mood.  Then past the Art Gallery – with one of the chunkiest Moores I've ever seen – truly monumental – up to the university, along College Street, up to here.  Quiet tired, warm (especially with the soup now). [Great salsa in the background; quiet, intimate restaurant – really cute little waitress – Peruvian]. Tamal verde nice, but not so good as the soup.  Lovely buzz here now.  This is my idea of a hol.  It is interesting how Toronto reminds me of Boston – especially last night when we drove through the city on the way back.  Toronto looked good then.

Well, big gap.  I'm now in the Roy Thomson Hall, having been back to the house.  After lunch, out along to Honest Ed's emporium – wild.  Inside, totally over the top – mirrors, lights – and wisecracks out of Christmas crackers.  I notice that most of the clientele are lower class and ethnic, and that some of the goods are made in Romania…

Then along Bloor Street, very picturesque.  Subway: rather dull but cheap – very tiny subway cars.  Along to the "World's Largest Bookshop" – stuff I must buy.  Walk down to St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, visiting Mazzoleni Hall along the way – little doing.  St. Lawrence also rather quiet.  It seems there isn't a BAC/ICA/Almeida centre with bustle.  Out to the New Front Street – checking the opera (Monteverdi's "Poppea"), then a street car (cheap at $1.20) to "home".  Wine and snatched meal, cab (Indian driver – preferred Brits running India) to Roy Thomson Hall.  Quite nice inside.  Old people here.  

Inside the hall – very sober – greys everywhere, very spacious.  A design fault – very wide one of the seats, the middle ones of which are attainable only from the sides.  Wonderful glass reflector mushrooms à la Royal Albert Hall – but (sensibly) transparent.  And reflective: so in each a top-down view of the orchestra – looking like ants on a watchglass.  Toronto-Mendelssohn Choir (remember that Prom?) neatly turned out in grey and DJs.  Everyone with poppies (Remembrance Sunday soon).  Interesting programme: ex-Latvians Arvids Purvs and Imants Raminsh, plus Vaughan Williams.  Still very few attractive women.  Pretty full hall, especially for a Monday.


The cafeteria, Royal Ontario Museum.  Disaster, disasters at work – you turn your back for a moment…

Last night quite nice.  I nodded off for a while in the first half – rather characterless modal sub-Britten pieces.  Vaughan-Williams rather better – and the choir rather punchier – but still surprisingly lacking in electricity.  Odd start: five military chaps marched on and stood throughout the performance.

Long, full ride in a street car, then transferring to the subway.  Not too much walking today: my knee and hip (right) are playing up.  Having looked long and hard for a Thai restaurant (which I found) in Elm Street, I decided instead to try Csardes – Hungarian – instead.  Thai is too common an experience for me.  Cold cherry soup, pork goulash.  Former with whole cherries, cinnamon and lemon.  Taking the subway here, I'm vaguely aware of my name being called.  I ignore it, of course, but turn later to see the bloke I met on Sunday.  Excellent pork and sauerkraut goulash: rich, creamy and spicy.  Now trying palacsinta – apricot crêpe, and Hungarian coffee.

On to the Royal Ontario Museum, working through galleries of ancient civilisations; of evolution; of space.  The latter particularly impressive: I suddenly felt the full presence of those other planets, and of our kindred to them.  As ever, the whole business of stargazing got to me.  Frightening.  Lots of schoolparties – and indeed the place felt like an extension to school.

Then I walked up round Yorkville – nothing much here – then subway down to here.  Toronto just does connect sadly.  And it is so small.  Meeting the only Torontonian I know in the subway only seemed to confirm this.


The days are getting stranger and fragmented here – perhaps a reflection of the city and my reaction to it.  In to the city, then on to Druxy's ("my withers unwrung" springs to mind for no reason.)

Yesterday.  After my meal to the bookshop, where I buy some jazz books – Hentoff and Schuller.  Then back, and out for a quick meal before the opera.  Talking to the waitress afterwards, I find out that she lived for a while in Kingston, in London.  Strange: Toronto feels like Kingston writ large.

To the Canadian Opera Company, to see Monteverdi's "Poppea" (in English).  Small, intimate space with excellent acoustics.  Singers variable, but generally better than I expected.  A long (three hours) performance.  Quite raunchy – nice symbolism at the end for the great duet: Poppea bends down and blows out a ring of candles…

From Druxy's down to the City Hall.  The ice-levelling machine  is out on the skating rink. Unusual job. Then in to the Municipal Library reading a few Canadian mags – the Toronto mag quite good.  Nice ideas: best of (100s), and also "My Favourite Street".  Then up to Art Gallery of Ontario, a short wait for opening (at 11am – why?), then in.  Home, basically.  It is such a relief to find texture, depth, racination.  Walking in to the Impressionists hall is like diving into a cool bath of colour.  The sights, the names, the intent.  Wonderful.  Makes me long for Europe.  Then upstairs to "Group of Seven" – I still think Thomson was the best.  Other stuff quite good, though.  Also here is one of my fave Chagalls – "Over Vitebsk".  It always sends a shiver down my spine – it seems to capture that lost world of ancient Jewish Russia.  I hear Prokofiev's "Overture on Jewish Themes".

This trip has such light and dark in it; I wonder what I will do tomorrow?

Interesting hearing the French Canadian – very rough clipped – not musical a la Paris.  I am in the At Gallery of Ontario restaurant, having eaten avocado and crab, waiting for grilled salmon.  Reminds me very much of Boston's Museum of Fine Arts – same blue-rinse set, same type of menu.  Along to the Moores – a huge cool roomful of them – just like the Himalayas out of Kashmir.  Looking back along the main gallery, everything so still – only the people moving.  Amazing collection – mostly of original plasters given by Henry Moore himself.  The off-white reveals the organic nature of the forms – huge, gnarled bones.  Also in a side cabinet a collection of natural bits and bobs – homologous with his work.

Another exhibit: Durer – which speaks very directly to me with all its signs and symbols.  Plus a Victorian Canadian artist, colonising Canada with images.  A quick look round other parts – revisiting the yummy Utrillo "Maison de Berlioz", then round to the Grange – the original gallery.  Where I am greeted by a little old lady dressed up in servants' clothes – as all of the attendants are.  Quite nice – real  fires burning, real bread baked in the kitchen.  Do you like visiting old buildings? One asked me – ha!

I am now sitting beside the boardwalk at The Beaches, ancient joggers pounding by.  The lake – I was going to say "sea" – rolls in.  It reminds me of Venice, California, and Bali near Alit's Beach Bungalows.  The sun low to my right, brilliant clear sky.  Leaves everywhere.  Very peaceful.  Back to my home here, where two bedders are in full flow.  Call me unreasonable, but not only do I dislike the quotidian acts, but I hate seeing them done by others.  I flee to buy several newspapers – Globe, Star, Sun and mags.

Out to Tarragon Theatre to see "Lion in the Streets".  Alas, another unassigned show, which means I must get there early – about 7.30pm – and so no proper dinner.  After a pleasant chat with my Iranian taxi driver, I am early.  I decide to get a take-out pizza.  15 minutes becomes 25.  I eat hurriedly, burn my tongue, and am disgruntled.  Ah, life.  Theatre is typically fringe, lots of young people.


November, huh?  In a café at the corner of Bay and Edward, planning to go to a concert.  Orange and date muffin (reminds me of Christchurch Art Centre).  General poppy muzak in the background – I realise how it lacks that deep melancholy of Greek music – that I heard in my own melancholy travelling around Euboea.

Theatre last night was most enjoyable – even though the play itself was unsatisfactory and rather unachieved.  There was some good acting – and this is always a joy.  I hope that I too will write plays – I must start ramping up my intake.  Then last night's has got me fizzing with ideas.  

Lovely walking weather now.  CN Tower occasionally lost in clouds – a salutary reminder of its height.  Wandering here, looking in cafés and restaurants, I never feel – as I do all the time in New York – that something is happening, that matters of great import are being hatched or decided.  This is Toronto.

In front of me, a red-haired mannequin, moves its repetitive way, advertising the baking.  I am reminded of "The Language of Cranes"...and of Sacks' "Seeing Voices".  To Holy Trinity Church where the St Lawrence (ha!) String Quartet is playing, with baritone Braun, Coulthard, Ravel and Faure.  The church typical Victorian Gothic – Morris ceiling, wood everywhere – makes it feel like a village hall – or Aldeburgh's Jubilee Hall.  Strange, my mirror image across the aisle (I am second row back) is also scribbling away in a notebook – perhaps saying that I am scribbling away...Audience mostly geriatric.  Music making OK – acoustics too hard, echo too obfuscating.  Coulthard vaguely modal and old-fashioned, Ravel a little heavy, Fauré nice – beautiful stuff, complementing Verlaine's outpourings well.

Eat in the café downstairs.  Nice, old-world atmosphere – reminds me of St Alban's Cathedral café,  even though it looks nothing like.  I suppose it is the small city feeling – à la Kingston – these are the homologues (why do I keep using this word? - I know where I got it – the Evolution section of Royal Ontario Museum).  Situation of church interesting: hemmed in on all sides by huge office blocks – like Trinity in New York at Wall Street.

I sit in the Café of the Bay, that is, the Hudson's Bay Company – still going after all these years.  Now a mega emporium – reminds me of Macy's – it nonetheless possesses a continuity which is surprising.
Very pleasant – though I've done little today – partly because we should have jazz this evening.  I started the Hentoff book yesterday – excellent.  I feel that I'm really going to get into it.

[The cycle ride to Hatshepsut: was it really only nine months ago?  What a holiday – one that this, for all its interesting aspects, threw sharply into relief in terms of density of incident.  I just hope I can capture part of it.  And San Francisco – the hotel lobby – was I really there six months ago?  What a busy bee I have been – and a lucky one too.]

Looking at this book, it is clear that I have been shirking somewhat – nothing like the cascades of words.  But it has been very pleasant – though a pity that work has been blowing up at home.  Everyone seems terribly well-brought up here: they all have this irresistible urge to take back their crockery (ah! Grantchester, no more, no more…).

On the Boardwalk, out on a jetty (Zattere), looking back west.  A fuzzy, orange sun rolling down towards the Torontonian minaret of the CN Tower.  I hope they build that even bigger one in the Midlands…


At my Toronto "home", a routine - so beloved by me abroad – beginning to emerge.  Up, coffee, toast, apricot marmalade, read the papers.  The latter seem to me a crucial windows on the world they report on.  Out to Bathurst Street, to look at the Factory Theatre.  Back through the garment district, up Spadina Avenue (where we ate yesterday), then along Dundas Street to the Art Gallery of Ontario for coffee and muffin. 

Last night was good.  To a Chinese restaurant for buckets of hot and sour, then fine chicken, beef and prawns, then to "Top of the Senator", a jazz club on Victoria Street.  Long room, nice atmosphere – and, mirabile dictu, some attractive young women.  There with family until about 11pm.  Star turn Molly Johnson, sultry Billy Holiday type – best when belting – though inappropriately when dining so – "Summertime".  Combo (quintet) rather hard-driven – I already feel drawn into jazz.  Have announced that I have four years to master it.  We shall see.  Certainly I aim to visit a jazz club in London.

Round the galleries, re-informing.  Then down to Honest Ed's restaurants – if only to re-pay him for his salvation of the Old Vic.  The Italian looks dull, the seafood closed, so in to "Old" Ed's.  Looks a bit like an old run-down Dublin pub from the outside.  Inside is both spectacularly over the top, and quite full, many business people.  Mirrors; Tiffany lamps, coloured glass, singed portraits of minor (a few major – Patrick Macnee, no less, and B. B. King) stars – and everywhere red – screaming scarlet.  Gilt candelabra.  Food uninspired – monotonous stuff, but with better ambience.  Reminds me of that stop I made in the deep south of New Zealand, past Fox Glacier.  What a hol and a half; and only a year ago.  

Along to Spadina Avenue, then down to the waterfront.  No sense of either: the scale all wrong – huge flats rearing up, cut off from the city.  Incongruously, a US Naval ship (on the lake? Why?).  Happen upon the Power Plant, contemporary art place.  Pick up probably the most pretentious and incomprehensible blurb I have ever seen (on Tunga – Brazilian).  For example: "The paradox, however, is that there is no actual duality here, but rather a unique statement articulating the complexity of living in a world of dominant codes yet one where there is also fragmentation." Blimey.  It's this kind of thing gets pseuds bad names.  The work itself is daft but nice: using thousands of magnets to produce a metallic fungus – covered in iron filings at one point – like hairy sea anemones.  [Reminds me of the music machine when I was trapped in Hawaii – if only because of its amusing singularity.]

Ever one for symmetry, up to the CN Tower (upper deck closed because of high winds).  Interesting to see the same sight as Monday, but overlaid now with knowledge.  I recognise the places I've been to, the structure of the city.

On the way to the gallery, a group of young women with camera, mike and intent to interview.  "May I ask you a question?" one asks.  Trapped, I say: "You can try".  And ask she does: "What are you waiting for?"  Is god trying to tell me something?  I make the only possible response: "Godot?"  She clearly has no idea what I am talking about.  I pass on, a ship crossing in the night…

Back home, then out to the Factory Theatre – rather like Tarragon, Fringey, very busy, young, even – yes again – attractive women.  Stivell-like stuff in the background.  Large spacious hall, comfortable seats.  The play: "The Arab's Mouth" by Anne-Marie MacDonald.  I hope there are no Islamic fundamentalists around.


Still no wiser about yesterday's play – OK, "1001 Nights" – but "mouth"?


Whoops – not much written yesterday – for reasons that will be explained.  So, to return to "The Arab's Mouth" – enjoyable, though far too long (a third off would have made it a third better).  It changed tone rather abruptly – light to begin with, rather more serious at the end.  Also, various strands were not clear to me – one of the problems with drama is that you cannot go back and re-read – it has to be obvious the first time, and to most people.  This could be a problem for me.  Nice theatre, though, young crowd.

So to Saturday.  Overslept (through the alarm – aargh), then up and along to St Lawrence Market to shop for the evening meal – huge prawns, obscene steaks, and buckets of fruit.  Wine: white Zinfandel and Californian Cabernet Sauvignon.  Yum-mee.  Bacon sarnie at the market – lovely soft bread, sweet meat (stuff like this makes me glad I'm carnivorous).  Lovely morning – archetypal yuppy stuff.

Then along to Dundas to buy some Inuit stone carving.  Quite nice stuff – very tactile, crying out to be felt – but this is a dangerous game to start playing – you need plenty of dosh to do it.  Most interesting thing for me is the Inuit script.  Looks like logical propositions.  A chart shows how 15 or so basic shapes are rotated through 90 degrees according to the vowel sound of the syllable they represent.  Neat.

Finally on the road, first to Niagara-on-the-Lake.  The drive dull except for the view over Hamilton, a huge Pittsburgh-like steelworks dominating the skyline with its jaggednesses (and the right, on the way back, this looks like the opening of "Blade Runner").   Niagara-on-the-Lake pretty, tending to twee.  Looking like Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Then to Niagara itself, some way away.  I am not very impressed: no huge roar of an angry, primitive god.  The drop really quite short – about 100 feet – so no sense of huge careening masses.  Staring down into the water, going over in a barrel looks eminently survivable.  We go down behind the falls – what larks.  We are given bright yellow plastic (biodegradable) sou'westers, which sussurate noisily.  The hundreds of tourists look like some strange masonic lodge in their ritual robes.  Lovely smell of damp rock.  To the end, then standing sprayed by the water.  A vertiginous sight as the sheets of whiteness fall like powder, the eye drawn instantly down and down.  It feels like being in an eternally ascending lift.  Back and then out to the observation terrace.  Interesting effect watching a segment of water fall and shatter from top to bottom.  Still no thunder, no god.

A CD of Mozart we hear on tape in the car – Lucia Popp soaring in "Il re Pastore" (with violin obbligato), and Zaide – must get to know it.  Home to mega eats, and a very pleasant evening.  Up this morning at 6am, trying to pull back my clock a little (I shall be dead on Monday – and what a week ahead – HP Awards, OS Show, Munich…)

Long, lazy day.  A 6 km run along the boardwalk.  Lunch, and then out to the airport.  After take-off, the standard necklace below me, the CN Tower glinting like a stick insect in the night...

More destinations:

Sunday 31 October 2021

1988 Boston


The tapestry room of Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum – concert by the American Brass Quintet.  3pm.

The size of everything – almost to parody.  The subway trains out to Harvard; the stretch limos; the helpings of food, the return of the coffee jug.  They do not know the meaning of the word "want" – even with derelicts lying in the street – as I saw yesterday by the Symphony Hall.  The superficial veneration for the old here – though the old is not really.  For example, the street names – Gloucester, Hereford etc. 

Harvard itself is disappointing – nothing binds together.  Especially Harvard's main courts: buildings thrown together, undistinguished architecture.  Little feel of town dominated by university.  They do build a better skyscraper in Boston; the integration of the old Irish and the new puts London to shame.  Boston Common is like Central Park on a smaller scale: surrounded by skyscrapers.

Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market – feeble restorations – inside shows no sense of exterior – doesn't link with the rest of town.  Newbury Street works very well ; a long, elegant road which manages the difficult trick of marrying flash shops with living houses.  The harmony of the design is never monotonous.  Surprisingly, the parallel streets remain relatively untouched, with the exception of Boylston Street.  

There is an ICA here too – but of Art, not arts.  I should have gone last night, but at 10pm was too tired to contemplate even less sleep to be followed by jet lag – old age, I fear.